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Choose the Right Stack for Your Project: Mean vs Lamp

by Milan Mathew

Many online businesses reached their goal of success by providing the best user experience. I would say development is a crucial part of these type areas. For a  successful online business, the platform may require to handle millions of requests at a time and it may require the advancement of Technology. Here we will be discussing the right stack for your project.

Right Stack for Your Project

First, we need to know what does stack means.

A stack can be considered on the basis of a website contains the following factors.

  1. Operation system
  2. Webserver
  3. Programming framework
  4. API

It all about the project you work leads you to take one stack over another. Lamp and Mean are the widely used stacks now. Here I’m describing more about the two.

Let’s start with Lamp. I believe you may not have a clear view of the lamp, let me help you here. It all about the project you work leads you to take one stack over another. Lamp and Mean are the widely used stacks now. Here I’m describing more about the two.

LAMP Stack:

Lamp stack is open-source software and which helps to build a highly secure and reliable applications. As it as an open-source which makes can be modified to meet the developer’s needs. It stands for Apache, PHP and Mysql. It is appropriate to develop web-based platforms

The LAMP stack is faster and scalable as it has a non-blocking structure. But developers don’t have control of the libraries that are available. For example, depending on your hosting provider, you can get stuck with the libraries and the versions of those libraries that have been built. This one of the cons of Lamp. Lamp supports only in Linux environments.

Prior to other, Lamp is a productive method to develop web scripts at the enterprise level. The lamp is also a cost-effective solution for customization.

MEAN Stack:

Mean Stack is also an open-source and free cost stack that has emerged recently. This stack is mainly used in cloud-based applications. Some of the important qualities of the mean are flexible, scalable and extensible, making them the perfect candidate for cloud hosting. MEAN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS.

Every stage of application in mean uses only one language which javascript. Earlier it was mainly used for database and back end development. The main advantage of using a single language throughout is development is to eliminate the hire of different specialists at each part. You can the same team at all levels of application development. Standardizing on JavaScript also provides an opportunity to reuse code across the entire application, reducing unnecessary reinvention.

MEAN basically describes an application stack:

  1. MongoDB
  2. Express.js
  3. AngularJS
  4. Node.js

Let’s look at each function of its component

  1. MongoDB: MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database making use of a document-oriented information model. It consists of documents as opposed to row and tables as in data sources.
  2. Express.js: It is a is a server-side JavaScript structure. To make the advancement procedure much easier it is used with Node.js.
  3. AngularJS: It is made use of as a default web end javascript structure. Constructed as well as maintained by Google, the framework enables fast development of vibrant, solitary web page internet apps. Its modular framework streamlines advancement and also testing enables simple scalability.
  4. Node.js: It is a JavaScript-based runtime improved Chrome’s V8 engine. It allows for developing scalable and performant internet apps. Node.js has a rich ecological community of open-source collections and also parts, including an npm.

Both stacks have their own advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right stack is purely depends upon the type of application you build. The mean stack is more suitable in dealing with a large amount of unclustered data. On the other end, the LAMP is preferred developing simple non-high end websites.

Mean and Lamp lies in the customized needs of your business application.


ICARUS is an iScripts configurable and reusable SAAS framework. It is a lightweight MVC framework that will cover up basic web functionalities and features and leaves developers to focus on implementing high end and custom functionality and logic. ICARUS framework offers a quality CMS module for contents and users. The most peculiar feature of the framework is that it is CRUD based API for mobile/social apps and it allows setting role-based user permission.

Magpie is an easy MEAN framework for building advanced applications. Magpie enables a developer to develop advanced salable applications in the simplest and fastest way. The Single Command Setup, Configurable CRUD’s and APIs, Ready-made modules and directives, etc are some of the advantages of Magpie frameworks that increase the speed of development of the applications. Magpie comes with ready-made CMS with roles & privileges and dynamic dashboard configuration system.

Like to know more details about these frameworks OR need some assistance in choosing the right framework for your applications?
Click Here OR contact us at (312) 423-6728 or email to sales@iscripts.com

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